School sites may be closed, but by clicking here you can:
- Enroll your student for the current 19-20 school year for At-Home Learning.
Student Preparedness
Parent Preparedness
Staying Healthy
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❖ We will use current research based instructional practices to ensure that all students are provided with a quality education based on the State Common Core Standards.
❖ We will create an environment in which high expectations and academic excellence are actively promoted.
❖ We will develop paths for communication between staff, parents and students to foster connections critical to the success for all students.
❖ We will create an environment where we can collaborate with, learn from, and support each other.
❖ We will foster a positive school climate of a caring community which respects and values diversity and nurtures everyone’s self-esteem.
Statement of Support
"As...educators across California, we have an obligation to act. This is not a time for us to look away. We must grapple with the fact that our schools, our practices, policies...are shaped by inequities, bias and institutional racism.
Our black students and educators experience schools, the police and this pandemic very differently than our white students and educators. Saying #BlackLivesMatter isn't enough: we need to actively show it in our work toward anti-racism on a personal, structural and institutional level.
We are grieving and we are outraged. Together, we must continue the call for justice and to hold powerful people, organizations and each other accountable. What are you doing to work toward anti-racism every day?"
California Teacher's Association
USC Law Mentorship Program is back!!
Students from USC Law come to 54th every year to mentor the 4th and 5th grade students.
The 2018-2024 school uniforms are mandatory. Students must wear blue pants/shorts/skirts and blue or white shirts.
- Morning Program...
- 起点加速器打不开
- Prep School Readiness Program...
Morning Program
The morning program starts at 7:15am and you can bring your child to the side gate on Eileen no later than 7:30am. The gate will be open by one of the school coordinators at that time and your child will be treated by one of the coaches in the program. The program consists of mentoring, social skills training, athletics, homework assistance, study habits, and field trips. For more information or to sign up for this program, visit the main office and pick up an application.
Performing Arts
On Tuesday, September 29, 2015, the esteemed actress Ms. Wendy Raquel Robinson "Tasha Mack" from the TV show The Game, and "Principal Greer" from the Steve Harvey Show came to visit the 54th street School. She and her staff from the Amazing Grace Conservatory staff visited our campus for a meet and greet with our students. The Amazing Grace Conservatory, which she started, has helped many youth throughout Los Angeles reach their goals of college entry, which sometimes lead to jobs in the field of performing arts. The Performing Arts is a disciplined program designed to increase comprehension, listening and reading skills. From participating in the program we expect our students to learn to operate as a team, acquire public speaking skills, improve academic excellence, and build character.
The program will only be for 3rd, 4th, and 5th grades. There will be two shows. A talent showcase in December and a major theatrical production in May. This program is demanding, but fin and rewarding. Your child will grow immensely from being involved with the Amazing Grace Conservatory. For more information or to sign up for this program, visit the main office and pick up an application.
Prep School Readiness Program
This program will assist scholars selected by Principal Thompson and the 4th and 5th grade teachers as ideal candidates to enhance students with the opportunity to be accepted into some of the top academic schools in Los Angeles County. Your child will be chosen because of their academic ability, social and leadership skills and your parental participation. This is a 10 week program. For more information or to sign up for this program, visit the main office and pick up an application.
Principal Thompson
Monday - Friday
7:30am - 4:30pm
Ph : (323) 294-5275
Fax : (323) 298-0820
Click on the link below for the breakfast, lunch, and after school menu for K-5:
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